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44 Business Capital Assists the Small Business Owner

44 Business Capital is committed to the financing needs of the small business owner. We understand the trials and tribulations of business ownership. We also understand that access to capital is a challenge.

Can you relate to any of these situations?

  • You have tripped a technical covenant in your loan documents but have always paid as agreed. Now your lender is trying to exit the relationship.
  • Your lender is looking to exit the relationship because collateral values have dropped.
  • You are looking to expand but your current lender requires that your existing operations demonstrate the ability to debt service the expansion without consideration for your projections.
  • You are looking to acquire real estate but your current lender is requiring a 25% down payment.
  • Your current lender no longer wants to have exposure to your specific industry.
  • You have the opportunity to make a strategic acquisition but your current lender is not comfortable because there is no tangible collateral.

44 Business Capital has financed borrowers in every one of these situations. All SBA loans are fully amortizing with no balloons which provides certainty on an ongoing basis. We can provide capital for expanding your business whether it is making a strategic business acquisition, buying a piece of real estate with little down payment, purchasing equipment with little down payment or securing some permanent working capital.

View Small Business Owners Success Stories


The 44 Advantage…

  • Access to the Decision Makers
  • Speed to Decision
  • No Loan Covenants

Our Clients…

  • Refinance existing debt
  • Purchase commercial real estate
  • Expand or purchase a business
  • Invest in new machinery & equipment
  • Improve company cash flow
  • Preserve Countless Jobs